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HONDA'S VTR250 has been around in various forms for donkeys' years and has long been one of those Japanonly bikes that you might have thought would do OK over here too Now there's an even more intriguing version, the VTRF, complete with the headlight from a CBR250R and a halffairing with more than a hint of FireStorm about itBikes For Sale All Bikes for Sale;Honda bros400 honda freeway honda fusion type x honda fusion se honda fusion honda forza(mf08) x Save for later ATECH Bikini Cowl (with Clear Screen) MODEL HB Point 143 pt ~ USD USD Save ~4715 USD ( Up to 21% )

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About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators 1984 VT250FE with km on the dial Very close to my favorite ride We have appx 4000cc's of VT's (16) including VTR's (both carb and efi), Spada and the twin disc Integra model Also managed to slip in a VTR1000 into the lineup and told my wife it was the USA version she thinks it's too loud!126cc250cc, ネイキッド, ホンダ, 試乗インプレ, 試乗記事 VTR250 SE(16) 試乗インプレ変わらないスタイリングで愛され続けるVTR

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VTR 250 Add accessories to your Honda VTR 240 from top brands like SWMotech, Legend Gear, Barkbusters, Kriega, RAM, Airhawk, Andy Strapz, ZacSpeed, B&B, ROK Straps, RadGuard, Rotopax Whether it's luggage, crash protection, ergonomics or GPS mounting you are after, at Motorrad Garage you can find all you need for your next tripThe Honda VTR 250 model is a Naked bike bike manufactured by Honda In this version sold from year 02 , the dry weight is 1400 kg (3086 pounds) and Released to the learner market, the VTR250 was way more advanced than most other 250cc bikes at the time – a liquid cooled 90 degree V Twin, with twin cam 4 valve heads and twin downdraught carbs, with a 6 speed transmission

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Honda VTR 250 03 Motorcycle Photos and Specs Get the latest Specifications for Honda VTR 250 03 Motorcycle from mbikecom!Secure & Instant Domain DeliveryManufactured from 1999, the VTR 250 has a liquid cooled, 90 degrees, V twin, four stroke, 249cc engine which can develop 32 horsepower at rpm and a torque of 23 Nm at 8500rpm

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The VTR250 is priced at $8490 (manufacturer's price, excluding dealer and statutory costs), comes with a 24month/unlimited kilometre warranty and is available in Italian Red/Accurate Silver Metallic or Graphite Black/Accurate Silver Metallic Off and rolling the little VTR is a pure delight, as it's always beenThe Honda VTR250 is a 90° Vtwin motorcycle produced by Honda that has had one major revision The original VTR250 was a faired sport bike sold only in the United States and Canada from 19 to 1990View our full range of Honda VTR250 (EFI) Motorcycles online at bikesalescomau Australia's number 1 motorbike classified website Find the best deals today!

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Explore David Wilson's board "VTR250 mods" on See more ideas about cafe racer, motorcycle, bikeVtr250 seのすべてのカテゴリでの落札相場一覧です。 「 honda 黒ミラーset! vtr250 ホーネット250 cb400sf revo cb750 cb1100 cb1300sf」が1 My Ride StoryVol8:VTR250 RIDER:MASA Motor Cycle:HONDA VTR250 special edition MASAさんが免許を取得したのが、 17年8月の末 。 そして、バイクに乗り始めたのは、 17年9月の頭 。 そう、いわゆる 速攻購入型のライダー さんです。 バイクに乗ろうと思ったのも、ここ最近の話。

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シート高 740mm 車両重量 160kg 全長/全幅/全高 2,080mm/725mm/1,045mm 排気量 249cc19 Honda Vt 1100, The Honda VTR250 was only sold in the US for three years,It's not perfect the plastic, but it looks great at any angle as the pictures below will clearly show, real good tires, new fork seals, 17,000 low miles,new seat, new battery clean title, no penalties everything works on this bike and it's ready to ride818 9 9519 Pat $1,Models Honda VTR250 (Japan, Australia) Honda VTR250 0917 (Japan, Australia, Europe) Honda VTR250F 1317 (Japan)

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1,084 0 0 #2 I was happy when I heard that the VTR250 will be available in TH about a year ago, but I doubted the price right away Wherever the Ninja 250 and the VTR 250 are available, the Honda is understandably at least 10% more expensive It was supposed to be here in "early 10" but by now I believe the whole thing was VTR250のインプレを書いていきます! みなさん、こんにちは! 今回は、今年(16)の3月に手放した、VTR250についての記事です。 書こう書こうと思って早数か月。もう8月です。かなり今更感がありますが、私のブログには意外とVTR250 というキーワード検索で辿りつかれる方が多々居られるようなの立ちごけシーンは6あたりからどうもはじめまして、Bashful(バッシュフル)といいます。今回ずっとほしかったバイク(新車 vtr250 special edition)を

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